1938 Crocker V Twin
Custom Motorcycle Appraisals
Custom Motorcycle Appraisals are an important aspect of documenting value, build quality, components installed, and overall condition. Our appraisals can be used for insurance, financing, and donations. We also have been very successful in settling disputes of value for our clients. We have years of experience successfully negotiating positive and fair conclusions. The appraisals that we perform are much more than just an opinion of value. We prepare our appraisals so that we can convey the true value to Lawyers, Insurance Companies, Buyers, Sellers, Finance Institutions, and other Appraisers. Please contact us to discuss your Motorcycle Appraisal and Inspection needs.
Total Loss Insurance Appraisals
Total Loss Appraisal services are an invaluable service the is provided by Expert Auto Appraisals. If a motorcycle has been determined to be a total loss, the insurance company responsible will present a value to settle the total loss. It is quite possible the value may not be fair representation of the loss vehicles true value for a fair or comparable replacement. An Appraisal Clause, as it’s often referred to, give you the ability to hire an appraiser to perform an Appraisal Prior to Loss. If you invoke this right, the insurance company has to hire an appraiser as well. The two appraisers from both sides then negotiate the claim. In some cases, the appraisers can’t reach an agreement, and a 3rd appraiser is then selected to act as an umpire and render a final decision of value. Expert Auto Appraisals has successfully handled countless claims, adding substantial value for our clients.
Vintage Motorcycle Appraisals
Vintage Motorcycles are a similar animal of a different color. Many other factors drive values of these bikes. Rarity, Desirability, Historical Significance, Originality, Restoration Quality, Ownership History, and International Appeal are just some of the factors that can have substantial impact of a Vintage Motorcycle’s value. Determining the fair market value of a Vintage Motorcycle is something we suggest doing prior to engaging in a transaction with. As a seller, our appraisal will provide you with the real market value of the vehicle. We can also provide you with a marketing strategy that will allow your efforts to be well placed and very effective. As a buyer, our inspection, market analysis, and opinion of value can be a very efficient way to assist you with the purchase of a Vintage Motorcycle. We can tailor our inspection to include items of your interest or concern. We can inspect ownership documents and provide you a very cost effective and secure way to purchase a vintage motorcycle remotely.
We appraise both Vintage and Custom Motorcycles. Regardless of your need, Total Loss Motorcycle Appraisal, Insurance Motorcycle Appraisal, Custom Motorcycle Appraisal, or a Vintage Motorcycle Appraisal, Expert Auto Appraisals is the premier appraiser in all areas of Florida. Contact us today at 772.621.2622 to discuss your needs or use our online Appraisal Request Form.