Pre Purchase Inspections

Porsche Pre Purchase Inspection in North Florida
As a buyer, regardless of your experience, there’s a huge advantage in having a reliable, expert, 2nd opinion of a vehicle’s condition, correctness, originality, and value. Even the most experienced car buyers rely heavily on opinions of others.
As a seller, preparing your car for sale is important, but just as important is placing your car value within the market range for the vehicle. A well priced vehicle will always sell within a reasonable time frame. Allow us to inform you of your vehicles strengths and weaknesses, and our opinion of the cars value at time of sale. Here’s just some of the recent pre purchase inspections we’ve performed.
Diminished Value Appraisals
Expert Auto Appraisals is your 1st choice for determining the loss of valuation to your car due to an event that your car was involved in. A Diminished value Appraisal is needed for an insured to recover the loss of value that your vehicle has suffered due to an accident or incident in which it has been involved in.If your vehicle has been involved in an accident, to some degree, the value of your vehicle has been negatively affected. The cars that are most affected are high end cars. The value of a 1-3 year old Porsche, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Lamborghini, Aston Martin, Lexus, or any other brand of like type, that prior to the accident was a top condition vehicle, are the vehicles most affected. Our services are designed to assist you in fairly indemnifying yourself for the loss of value that you car has suffered.