There are many reasons to have an appraisal, however the single most important reason is to protect your investment. Your insurance company, regardless of which one is going to have to develop a value to determine a value of a Total Loss. A carefully documented appraisal of your vehicles specifics, correctness, photos, documentation of parts and labor are key to the true value of your vehicle being recognized. Any restorer or owner knows that the difference in a 85 point car and a 95 point car isn’t always obvious to an untrained eye. However, the difference in the cost of restoration between these two examples is thousands of dollars. A vehicles correctness and authenticity can be even more important. A non correct engine on an American Muscle car has a huge affect on the cars value. We can now watch many of the large collector car auctions live on television such as Barrett-Jackson and Mecum. Watch any auction and you’ll see two similar cars by specification and general appearance bring drastically different values. In many cases, the better of the two examples will bring double of the lesser example. Without a professionally prepared appraisal, in a total loss situation, maybe without the car, you may be at a loss to documenting the true value of your vehicle to an insurance company, financial instution, or any 3rd party important to you. Call us today at 772.621.2622 or complete your request online at Order Appraisal